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Posts posted by ygtz

  1. groups_doa.pngversus groups_ddc.png

    (Death on Approach) (Drunk Drivers Club)

    Map 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
    Edge Of The World .:DoA:.L'ukas (3) ret0rdoa (2) [DDC]Taurus (1) [DDC]^Aliomar (1)
    High Stakes .:DoA:.161 (3) doaygtz (2) DoAIceBerg# (1) ret0rdoa (3)
    Mindfuck DoAIceBerg# (4) .:DoA:.L'ukas (5) doakniev (1) .:DoA:.161 (4)
    Polish Dream ret0rdoa (6) .:DoA:.L'ukas (7) .:DoA:.161 (5) doaygtz (3)
    Old but Gold DoAIceBerg# (7) [DDC]^Aliomar (3) [DDC]Taurus (2) DoARadheN# (1)
    Opus II [DDC]^Aliomar (6) .:DoA:.161 (7) .:DoA:.L'ukas (8) DoAIceBerg# (8)
    Piss On The Pyramid .:DoA:.L'ukas (11) DoA|Shukashuu (2) doakniev (2) ret0rdoa (7)
    Electroshock ret0rdoa (10) doaygtz (5) [DDC]^Aliomar (7) .:DoA:.L'ukas (12)
    GTX II .:DoA:.L'ukas (15) .:DoA:.161 (9) DoAIceBerg# (9) [DDC]^Aliomar (8)
    XIII vs. FOTL DoAIceBerg# (12) .:DoA:.161 (11) [DDC]Zurek (1) [DDC]NoHear (1)
    SimpliCity DoARadheN# (4) DoAIceBerg# (14) doaygtz (8) [DDC]^Aliomar (9)
    Endless Possibilities DoARadheN# (7) [DDC]^Aliomar (11) .:DoA:.L'ukas (16) doaz (1)
    The Essence Of Speed DoARadheN# (10) [DDC]Er1k (2) [DDC]Taurus (3) [DDC]Ludi (1)
    Sparks [DDC]^Aliomar (14) doaygtz (2) DoARadheN# (11) .:DoA:.161 (12)
    Sincere DoARadheN# (14) .:DoA:.161 (14) DoA'Kanarya! (1) [DDC]^Aliomar (15)
    Magnetic Love III DoARadheN# (17) [DDC]Zurek (3) doaygtz (9) [DDC]^Aliomar (16)
    Cosmic Assault DoARadheN# (20) ret0rdoa (12) .:DoA:.L'ukas (17) .:DoA:.161 (15)
    Singularity DoARadheN# (23) doaygtz (11) [DDC]Er1k (3) [DDC]Ludi (2)
    Running Is My Life IV DoAIceBerg# (17) .:DoA:.L'ukas (19) [DDC]^Aliomar (17) DoARadheN# (24)
    Royal White DoARadheN#(27) .:DoA:.161 (17) DoAIceBerg# (18) doaygtz (12)



    DoARadheN# 27
    .:DoA:.L'ukas 19
    DoAIceBerg# 18
    [DDC]Aliomar 17
    .DoA:.161 17
    doaygtz 12
    ret0rdoa 12
    [DDC]Taurus 3
    [DDC]Er1k 3
    [DDC]Zurek 3
    DoA|Shukashuu 2
    doakniev 2
    [DDC]Ludi 2
    doaz 1
    DoA'Kanarya 1
    [DDC]NoHear 1


  2. 3. I doubt you have driving license in first place

    Indeed, that was a lie. I do have a driving license, though.


    I was a cook in a Thai/Japanese restaurant, but I didn't really enjoy cooking whole night. Therefore I decided to do some delivery.


    Redbull is indeed the drink I like the most and the one I regret drinking the most.

  3. Since nobody has replied and decided to continue with one of the best games ever posted on our forum, I step up and decide to continue this masterpiece.

    [*]I used to work as a cook in a Thai-Japanese restaurant.

    [*]Redbull is the drink I like the most.

    [*]I haven't got any traffic tickets since I have my driving license.


    Let's get to know each other and play the game. It's a very interesting game and also a great way to get to know different things about each other.


    How to play?

    [*]Poster 1 posts three statements; two truths and one lie (do not indicate which is which).

    [*]Poster 2 guesses which of the 3 statements is incorrect, thus the lie. Poster 3 will do the same if the lie isn't guessed yet, and so on.

    [*]Once the lie has been guessed correctly (verified by poster that posted statements), the person who guesses correctly will post their set of statements.


    Poster 1 posts:

    • I'm noob.
    • I hate dogs.
    • I love cycling

    Poster 2 posts:

    Statement 3 is a lie.


    Poster 3 posts:

    Statement 1 is a lie.


    Poster 1 posts:

    Correct, statement 1 is a lie.


    Poster 3 will then post his/her statements for others to guess which of the statements is the lie.



    I'll be starting, so these will be my statements.

    [*]I can drive like a professional Formula 1 racer.

    [*]I do wear glasses, because I can't really see things which are far away from me.

    [*]I should be studying while writing this.




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