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  2. Hi there, If you're interested in joining our clan, we no longer use the join request format. What you can do is contact a just about any member, and simply ask to join. In some rare cases, we may almost immediately accept (if you're talking to @Wolfer or @LudiSincba or someone of Manager level). However, in most cases, here's how the process goes.. Talk to someone you know (or are friends with) in DoA. The person who can give the best word for you. If there isn't anyone, you can contact a leader to make a poll for you. We may ask some questions to get some info from you. Or we may ask nothing at all. It just depends on how well we know you. From that point, it'll be left up to clan members to vote. If enough vouch for you, your invite gets sent out by me. This process can run for a minimum of 3 days, or a maximum of 7 days. However, leaders and managers can make 24 hour polls. Invites don't expire, but they can be reversed in rare cases - As members can change their minds until the invite is accepted. If a majority that voted yes change their minds, leadership can cancel an invite. The member that made the poll also has the right to cancel the invite for any reason whatsoever. - With all the above in mind, feel free to reach out if you're interested. Best of luck!
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